How to Choose a Jewelry Cleaner

When we wear jewelry, we are constantly exposed to dirt and grime. The daily grime builds up on your engagement rings, wedding bands, and other precious pieces. If you do not regularly clean them, the dirt and water will eventually reach your precious items and ruin their shine. If you want to keep your precious jewelry looking as good as new, you should use a jewelry cleaner. Here are some tips for cleaning your jewelry. A simple household item can be used to clean your jewelry.

Jewelry cleaner

Foam jewelry cleaners are safe for most metals, and they are great for delicate or intricate settings. Liquid jewelry cleaners contain mild detergents and abrasives that clean away environmental soils and product buildup. You can use a brush to get into the small spaces around your rings. Some of these cleaners also come with a drying component. The best cleaners for your jewelry are those that are non-corrosive and have no additives.

When choosing a jewelry cleaner, you should always choose one with alkaline ingredients and a mild acid. The acids and bases in the jewelry cleaner should not harm the jewelry. Strong acids and bases are bad for the health and can damage the metals. Therefore, you should choose a product that does not have strong bases. Sodium metasilicate is a good example of a strong base, although it is low in concentration. Moreover, it is very easy to overuse this cleaner, and it can harm your precious pieces.

For more sensitive materials, you can use a DIY jewelry cleaner. To get the best results, choose a solution with pH of 7.0. You can also add a few drops of dish soap and lukewarm water. Soak your jewelry for several minutes in this solution, and use a toothpick to remove any stuck-on dirt. You can use a toothbrush to get into the small spots that are difficult to reach.

There are many different types of jewelry cleaners on the market. You should choose one that has a pH of 7.0 or more. The acid level in your jewelry cleaner will depend on the metal. It is important to make sure that the cleaner has a pH of 7.2 or greater. Otherwise, it may be harmful for your skin. So, it is best to stick to water-based cleaners unless you are certain that they are safe to use on delicate surfaces.

Professional jewelers use specialized chemicals in their cleaning solutions. Most of these solutions contain between 80 and 90 percent water and have lower concentrations of acids and bases. While you can buy jewelry cleaners with the highest concentration of a certain chemical, you need to consider the type of jewelry you wear and its purpose. Depending on the material, you can choose a cleaner that is mild and safe for most materials. However, if you don’t have time to clean your jewelry, you can make it at home with household ingredients.